The photograph of a child in an advertisement makes an emotional connect with the viewer. Just looking at a smiling child’s face in the ad makes the customer smile, and it is this emotion which advertising agencies play upon when they make ads with children in them.

Child modelling has become a very popular career among children and their parents. The families have realised that they can take advantage of their child’s ability to emote in front to the camera and also on the fact that he or she looks cute or pretty or mischievous – whatever the requirements of the photographer may be. There has been a steady increase in the number of child modelling agencies in India, and also an increase in the number or parents who feel that their children will make excellent child models.

However there are some basic criterions which must be fulfilled before a child is chosen to be a model. Child modelling agencies in Delhi, as in all over the country, look at the age of the child, his ability to respond to requests to smile or play or look tearful, whatever the requirement may be. They also look to see whether the child is able last out the tedious hours of photography, and that they do not get cranky or irritated very quickly. Child photography and modelling is a much specialised field and a lot depends on the choice of the model.

The child modelling agencies generally teach the children how to behave in front of the camera. They understand that children need to be dealt with gently and that they cannot be forced to act or made to do things that they do not understand.  The parents are also made to understand that the modelling co-ordinators know what they are doing and they can cajole and comfort the children while the shoot is going on. The parents are generally present, since their presence gives the child a sense of security and confidence.  

Often photographers let the children emote in any way they find comfortable. The children very soon learn as to what is required of them and most children, if they are allowed to, will act naturally and easily when the camera starts rolling. Children love performing and while they are modelling they are performing in front of the camera. Hence, they enjoy the process and they also enjoy looking at the final product. However it is important that the child should not let his studies suffer in any way, nor should he lose track of the real world.

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