Modelling agencies are the go-between between models and the clients who require their services. Initially modelling agencies in India were only the brokers or commission agents between the models and the ad agencies, but now their role has expanded much further. Now they not only locate the models, they train them, build their portfolios and seek and negotiate jobs for them. There are many agencies which are world- renowned because of the top level models they represent, and also because of their long list of top companies who are their customers.

The business principles followed by Indian modelling agencies are the same as the norm all over the world. They represent the best interests of the models who are under contract with them, they make sure that they are not taken for a ride by the companies and that they are offered good jobs and payments.


Modelling agencies in Delhi, like their counterparts in the rest of the country, look for jobs for the models on their roster and also negotiate their contracts and terms of employments. They charge a certain amount of commission, and the rates are based upon the age of the model and the specialities of the model. The end-users prefer to deal with the model co-ordinators in Delhi, since they are able to access a greater number of models, and do not have to deal with each one of them on an individual basis.

Role of a modelling agency

The role of a model co-ordinator is a bit like that of a mentor. He or she makes sure that the models are taught and trained from day one on how to emote in front of a camera, how to look their best and how to build a good portfolio. The agency helps the aspiring models by giving them the confidence of knowing that they are good, and also of knowing that they are going to get the best jobs possible in their field. Many modelling agencies include the cost of training and building a portfolio in their initial signing cost.

Attributes of a good modelling agency

A good modelling agency will have the best photographers and make-up artistes on their roster. They will be professional in their dealings and they will also make sure that their models are treated with respect and dignity. The portfolios they build, the clients they reach, the contracts they negotiate, all these should be of the highest quality, only then will they be considered to be among the best.

Looking for tips and information regarding modelling agencies in Delhi? You can join our site to search thousands of opportunities and tips on Indian modelling agencies.

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